Guidelines For Your Story

We are very liberal in accepting content from our users.

However, to ensure that the BlogJeez Website offers quality experience to its readers, we would appreciate if you follow the guidelines below.

1. Originality
Your content must be your own work. Content that has been copied from any other source will not be accepted.

2. Non-Promotional
Your content must not outright advertise, promote or sell any product or service. You may include an optional profile of yourself with links to your website, blog, photos, etc only at the end of the content.

3. Lawful
Your content must not contain any information which violates laws. Your content must not defame any individual, group or entity. You must not infringe on the rights or privacy of others.

4. Links Provision
A total of 3 links can be provided in each content you submit. Links to websites of your interest may only be provided at the end of your content where you can describe your profile or offer a source for further information.

5. Non-Inclusion of Affiliate Marketing Information
You may not provide any direct links with your affiliate marketing ids. We will appreciate if you avoid using your links to promote affiliate selling. You may direct users if you wish to from your own site.

6. Non-Inclusion of Personal Information
Do not include your personal information such as email id, phone number, etc in the content body. You may direct users to your site or blog by providing them with an appropriate link.

If you accept to follow these guidelines, you may want to know How to Submit Your Content for publishing it on BlogJeez.

Thank You,
Team BlogJeez