Indian Sex Life - 4

Compiled by: Dr. Srivatsa

Place: Bombay, India

India Today conducted a sex survey in association with AC Nielsen and ORG MARG for a group of close to about 3000 respondents (both male and female). The idea was to dig in and find out about the Indian lifestyle and the Indian Sex Life after a decade since the millennium.

As usual, the results of the survey seem to stun you like the ones have before! The Indian woman seems to have grown more liberated. Indian couples now seem to have more fantasies than before. Both the Indian man as well as the Indian woman is more open to experimenting.

It is really difficult to attribute the source of such change to one or two elements in society. Largely, however, it seems that the influence of western television channels and influx of rich media content on the internet are the main driving forces. Have a look below and try to answer and see which category would you fall in!

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Indian Sex Life - Part 4

19. Do you think it is your right to be sexually satisfied?
Ans: To some of us, the stats might seem to be astonishing because more than half the Indian population does not answer this in a definite affirmative!

Definitely it is -- 43%

Probably it is -- 30%

Not Sure -- 7%

Probably it is not -- 5%

Definitely it is not -- 3%

Can't Say -- 12%

20. How often do you feel sexually satisfied?
Ans: A survey conducted by Durex had once found out that India ranks 3rd among the most sexually satisfied nations. Here's how often Indians feel sexually satisfied...

Always -- 30%

Sometimes -- 33%

Mostly -- 22%

Never -- 3%

Can't Say -- 12%

You are currently on the page displaying Part 4 of the Indian Sex Life. Use the links below to jump to other parts.

Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 -- Part 4

Part 5 -- Part 6 -- Part 7 -- Part 8

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Anonymous said...

it is a big lie that most indians are sexualy satisfied,most indians hace a closed mind ..they wont say th truth..out of shyness...or just because they arent going to gain anything by partaking in a survey.

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