How to Smooch

Advice by: Cristina
Place: Launceston, Australia

Here is a simple kiss, which is known as a smooch. A smooch is a type of kiss that is most appropriate for the following situations:

1. Your first kiss

2. While saying goodbye

3. When ending a French kiss

4. When you meet in public places

5. After a session of lovemaking

6. When you just want to express love, but not get involved in full-fledged making out

Video: How to smooch someone...

If you notice in this video, the guy and the girl draw themselves close to each other, pucker up their lips for 2-3 seconds and then retract back instantly. The whole kiss takes not more than 7 seconds and they don’t touch each other a lot with their hands. However, you can choose to place your palm on your partner’s face to make the kiss more romantic.

Hope you liked this video tutorial on How to Smooch someone!

To make yourself an irresistible kisser, it is highly recommended that you go through The Ultimate Kissing Guide and all its related videos below. The guide will teach you what signs to look out for before kissing, how to lead yourself into a kiss, how to kiss in different ways and give you some worthy tips & warnings that will enhance your kissing skills and make you an awesome kisser!

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Anonymous said...

Your kissing video tutorials are just amazing. This is exactly what I was looking for.. A step by step video guide to kissing and here it is! Fantastic work Cristina!

Tarun said...

Please upload some more tutorials on how to smooch. This video is very short.

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