American Sex Life - 6

Compiled by: Cohen Jenkins
Place: Yonkers, New York

Here are some interesting facts and survey results about the American sex life, American couples and the American lifestyle. The data has been collected from various reliable sources like state universities, condom companies, government census, etc. You might be surprised at certain results depending on where you come from, your social background and other such factors that influence your lifestyle. However, the picture painted here is that of the entire population and therefore reflects statistics that may seem relatively skewed to one particular group.

It would be interesting for you to find out how your sex life stands up against these figures as an individual or as a couple, irrespective of your nationality, ethnicity and other such allegiances.

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American Sex Life - Part 6

24. What is the percentage of American men & American women who consider their sexual identity as homosexual?
Nearly 4% American men and about 2% American women consider their sexual orientation to be homosexual. These figures however do not imply that the remaining percentage of people have never had any sort of same sex contact before. The remaining people have had those experiences, but they do not identify their orientation as homosexual.

25. What is the percentage of American men & American women who consider their sexual identity as bisexual?
About 3% American men and nearly 5% American women consider their sexual orientation to be bisexual. This implies that these men and women are comfortable orienting themselves sexually with the same gender as well as the other gender.

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